Monday, August 27, 2018

Official Latina AF shirt

Finally, it was the laugh or choke. Official Latina AF shirt. The man sitting in the chair talking about “reducing stress” while getting his fingers chomped on, That cat at the beginning is all like “you are a grown man stop it.” In this world its all about being authoritative… And expressing yourself… them siamese are a worse stalker in the shower cats than Zamia! THE THIRD ONE WITH THE TWO LITTLE DOGS, IS DEFINITELY ME & MY FIANCE LESTER, ARGUING OVER THE COVERS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT.LOL, LMFAO, HA!HA!HA!HA! This is not funny! To have your dogs bite you really??! Pull this ridiculous video, Love how the dog basically told the boyfriend, “um, no sir. My Hooman.” this one about the gift after the dog jumped on him looks like the kid hurt the dog, I kept re-watching the first one.

Gina Rodriguez Latina AF shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top

Latina AF Sweater



Buy this shirt: Official Latina AF shirt

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via August 27, 2018 at 02:32PM

Solar system Flat Mars Society shirt

Everyone goes straight to a human population of mars. Solar system Flat Mars Society shirt. I think, if anything, we should just terraform it to the point where it could sustain microorganisms and some plants and leave it at that point. Let it grow to be something beautiful in itself and in the absence of humans. Even if it was possible to put humans on mars I’d give it less than 1,000 years before we’d turn mars into a trash heap like we’re doing to our own planet. mars’ magnetic field is very weak to trap the atmosphere.
you may melt the ice caps to turn them into the water but it will just evaporate and leak because of the solar wind. That’s the reason why mars became a red planet. mars had an atmosphere before like earth and can support life but its magnetic field weakened. Solar system Flat Mars Society shirt
in the first place, why do we have to turn mars into a green planet.
we already have a planet that can support life but we are just destroying it.
why don’t we just rebuild our planet before rebuilding mars’ atmosphere?We don’t even know how to make our country right. We know very little about climate change (that scientist can agree on) and yet we believe we can turn mars into a habitable planet? With our luck, the nukes will set off a chain reaction throwing it off its axis putting it into a collision course with earth.Would work if you could give it a magnetic shield, Mars has a dead core.
All this will be stripped back to a red airless desert in a few centuries if we don’t solve that first.


Elon Musk Flat Mars Society shirt

Flat Mars Society Sweater

Buy this shirt: Solar system Flat Mars Society shirt

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via August 27, 2018 at 02:29PM

Official Malt Whiskey shirt


Thanks, Bill, Malt Whiskey Not Walt Disney shirt.. for sending me this post. It’s another source for my getting quotations. “Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children.” – Walt Disney, Disney World is going to implode on itself. They are out pricing themselves to the average family. You can spend 5000 easily on Disney World or go and visit Europe for 5000. Soon families will choose to visit the world instead of DisneyWorld. What an amazing guy, have memories for the life of the animated movies he created. Proudest happiest moments of memories. Thank you Walt, forever in our memories, This man was a poor racist even though he had nothing when he did make it he wouldn’t give a black person a chance to enrich their lives black animator artists would apply for a job and he would tell them no and get out of my office why would a poor man not help another poor struggling person to get ahead so I have nothing nice to say about the man, he reminds me of someone young, who is very close to you. My baby is FOURTEEN!?! I love you and thank you for all the support you give to us, your an amazing person and the best mom. Wow and he made kids dreams come True and a childhood like my dad, but my dad is a great human being. Another of my HEROS! I have been to Disneyland and Disneyworld many times to enjoy my family and see the smiles on their faces, but also to see what is possible if you believe. Great man. Always love Disney movie Snow White was the 1st movie dad took us to day in the middle front seats at the Grove cinema of Dudley Rd Birmingham.


Malt Whiskey Not Walt Disney shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top

Malt Whiskey Not Walt Disney Sweater



Buy this shirt: Malt Whiskey Not Walt Disney shirt

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via August 27, 2018 at 02:27PM

Classroom Looks Like I’m Losing A Game Of Jumanji Shirt

If the ocean is rising, I Teach My Classroom Looks Like I’m Losing A Game Of Jumanji But I Teach shirt. Al would not be able to get homeowner insurance on his home. For too long our children have been spoon-fed liberal lies. It’s time the indoctrination stops. Thank God that our children are given a chance to hear both sides. Man Caused Climate Change is the LIE! Not one single climate prediction in the last thirty years has ever come to pass. Even with the record heat this summer, it isn’t proof of man-caused climate change. Europe was warmer in the past, long before today’s supposed records. During the height of the Pax Romana period, Europe was much warmer than today. That’s a known historical fact. The Northern Hemisphere has been in a warming period since the 18th century. It’ll eventually cycle back into cooler trends as the historical record has shown throughout the entirety of the existence of the planet. The Left has been removing books from libraries and classrooms for years.


I Teach My Classroom Looks Like I’m Losing A Game Of Jumanji But I Teach shirt, hoodie

I Teach My Classroom Looks Like IĆ¢€™m Losing A Game Of Jumanji But I Teach shirt

Buy this shirt: I Teach My Classroom Looks Like I’m Losing A Game Of Jumanji But I Teach shirt

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via August 27, 2018 at 02:23PM

Dick Smells Like Chapstick Shirt

First, your comment while innocent could have led in two different directions. Dick Smells Like Chapstick shirt. While you went along with the antics hoping I would expose myself, I was trying to find your angle. The angry troll or a free thinker. A few times, you tripped me up and at the end, I will be honest you fooled me. Yet you think I revealed myself based on you being black. Well, that’s where I fooled you because the race to me doesn’t mean shyte only principles.

Dick Smells Like Chapstick shirt. Isn’t she that chick who married the guy from the Green Mile then took all his money and screwed over his family when he died? Wouldn’t surprise me at all. Can’t wait for him to use the N-word in prison. They’re going to love him there. He thinks Putin has a big one wait til Bubba gets him. Omarosa will say and do anything for her name in the lights and for $$$$$$$$$$$$. Shame on her. She should be arrested!!!! I read a year ago about an old lady on Facebook who went to the Barnes and Nobles and moved all of Hillary’s books putting them behind other books. wouldn’t that be funny if that’s what happened to this bitter woman’s books?


Dick Smells Like Chapstick shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top

Dick Smells Like Chapstick shirt

Buy this shirt: Dick Smells Like Chapstick shirt

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via August 27, 2018 at 02:19PM

Official Chicken Not Today Clucker shirt

He owns properties near us……Chicken Not Today Clucker shirt. so you would think he would be aware of the situation.
But he isn’t in our situation…..he has deeper pockets. He wouldn’t know wat hardship was he could give a million just out of his pocket cant stand him. Justify it all he wants, even if he does have property out there, he’s not the one running it day to day. He’s so VERY outta touch with what’s really truly going on. He’s a super-rich outta touch city slicker who has absolutely no idea how bad things are for our struggling farmers. I have plenty of family struggling on the land in both cattle & agriculture & believe me they’re in dire need of proper support.


Chicken Not Today Clucker shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top

Chicken Not Today Clucker Guys tee


Guys tee

Buy this shirt:  Chicken Not Today Clucker shirt

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via August 27, 2018 at 02:15PM

Runescape Excuse me My eyes shirt


I hated that game! Runescape Excuse me My eyes are up here shirt. I NEVER got higher than like level 2 or 3 before some level 80 asshole would walk up to me, kill me and take all my shit that I spent the last 3-4 hours farming! Wasted too much time of my life on that game. Jagex fucked it all up appeasing to noobs who couldn’t handle losing their shit. Man, I loved this game. Used to play it everyday after school to talk to my high school sweetheart. I’m going to miss it. My husband (high school sweetheart) still gets on and plays every now and again. Brings back good memories. RuneScape Classic had been maintained and developed by a different community. Jagex gave up on a game we all love a long time ago.. keep rRunescapeclassic alive by joining an already thriving community.  Damn the nostalgia makes me sad. Makes me think where the world was then vs now woth society just a bunch of morons:(…

Runescape Excuse me My eyes are up here shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top

Runescape Excuse me My eyes are up here Sweater



Buy this shirt:  Runescape Excuse me My eyes are up here shirt

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via August 27, 2018 at 02:12PM

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Can’t relate shirt

I see so many people end up being so distant from each other. Can’t relate shirt. I’d much rather have someone who likes spending as much time with me as possible. It’s been 5 years and we get more inseparable as time goes on. It makes me happy because usually as relationships go on it’s the reverse. I think most folks are so afraid of commitment and communication that you label it clingy since everyone is always on their phones or being antisocial. Idk just a thought. I’m ‘clingy’, which stems from abandonment, abuse, and anxiety. I’m single for a reason. Don’t date the avoiders. They will only give you just enough. They will see your feelings as a threat and they are terrible communicators.  I’m going to be completely honest and open here, in My passed marriage of 20yrs this was me. YES very insecure and needy and clingy its part of what drove My Ex away.

Can’t relate shirt, hoodie, sweatshirt, tank top, ladies tee.

Can't Relate hoodie
Can't Relate ladies tee
ladies tee
Can't Relate sweatshirt
Can't Relate tank top
tank top
Buy this shirt: Can’t relate shirt at or

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Hi Yes I’m the Artist shirt

Really special. Hi Yes, I’m the Artist shirt. I do, however, it appears to me that the actual “artist” is the person who stands on the other side of the elephant. Notice the trunk of the animal is in a precise position each time the paintbrush is put in his grasp; and, there seems to be a guiding mechanism of sorts…. something that obviously directs the elephant to paint the art. Animal loves people.. but people don’t understand people.? The name animal everybody say they are animal they don’t have science, but I say we don’t have common sense how to behave with people way the dog behaves like wit us is humanity I think dog, not an animal it’s belongs to human we are animal we do not belong to human that we are everybody mad in this world.. it’s like only dog god is great love God dog…

Hi Yes, I’m the Artist shirt, hoodie, tank top, sweatshirt, ladies tee.

Hi Yes I'm The Artist Hoodie
Hi Yes I'm The Artist Ladies tee
Ladies tee
Hi Yes I'm The Artist sweatShirt
Hi Yes I'm The Artist tank top
tank top
Buy this shirt: Hi Yes I’m the Artist shirt at or

Admit it you want to taste my wiener shirt

This is so annoying and disappointing, Admit it you want to taste my wiener shirt, making a huge burger for a video. What’s wrong with people’s mind nowadays? Waste of food, that probably could be distributed to people who really needed. Maybe for a large party, where it gets cut up into normal portion sizes…. otherwise. I’m with everyone else… what a waste.  I cant finish most sandwiches at most eateries and wish they downsized because getting so much food just turns me off from it after 2 bites. I think we could destroy this lol we’ve got practice hours from or late night pizza days.  What is so sad is people are more happy to brag about it online to gain more likes than being concerned about the health risk.

Admit it you want to taste my wiener shirt, hoodie, guys v-neck, sweatshirt, ladies tee.

Admit It You Want To Taste My Wiener guys v-neck
guys v-neck
Admit It You Want To Taste My Wiener Hoodie
Admit It You Want To Taste My Wiener Ladies Tee
Ladies Tee
Admit It You Want To Taste My Wiener SweatShirt

Buy this shirt: Admit it you want to taste my wiener shirt at or

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Runescape Excuse shirt

How long till the Raptors send the “Hey Big Head” text to Dwane Casey now that the East is wide open? Runescape Excuse me My eyes are up here shirt. How much you wanna bet? It’s gonna be a Cavs vs Lakers game. Tie game. JR is gonna get the rebound with 3 seconds to go…and pass it to LeBron for the game winning shot, Why everybody on jr even when he got the rebound the game went into OT talk about why lebron scared to play defense on the best player that was on the court KD, Maybe they could take it down for long enough to fix the game up enough to be compatible with newer programs while still being true to how it was firsy.

Her eyes are a reflection on how dark and sinister her soul is. Runescape Excuse me My eyes are up here shirt. Pay attention to the way she laughs and carries herself. It’s like she’s being controlled by a demon.
Using “intelligent” and the left in the same sentence is hilarious. There is no doubt that you would destroy her, but I can’t lie, I would LOVE to see it. I think, like everything else she says, she doesn’t understand the meaning of “cat calling” Bwahahahahaha!

Runescape Excuse me My eyes are up here shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top

Runescape Excuse me My eyes are up here Sweater



from WordPress
via August 24, 2018 at 10:33AM

Not always Dick just kidding shirt

I wish I had a closet to pump in! Not always Dick just kidding go Fuck shirt. Even a bathroom or any place with a door would be nice! I pump in a hallway surrounded by my employees. Since this is my second time around with pumping, I have lovingly dubbed the room I use as The Milking Room, and almost exclusively refer to pumping as “milking myself”. If people are going to be uncomfortable and weird about it anyway, I figure I might as well give them a reason to be, No matter the reason, when you sense a meeting is going long speak up 10 min before it’s scheduled to end and state that you have a hard stop at that time. When the scheduled time’s up, simply leave and have someone fill you in later. Avoid letting others take advantage of your time.

Not always Dick just kidding go Fuck shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt

Not always Dick just kidding go Fuck V-neck



Buy this shirt: Not always Dick just kidding go Fuck shirt


from WordPress
via August 24, 2018 at 10:31AM

Who Did Black People Pray To Before Slavery shirt

I don’t even want to go outside…Who Did Black People Pray To Before Slavery shirt.  but here is the funny part I’m part Cuban! Lol, I know you’re talking about women, but don’t forget about white guys who look at snow as their playground. Skis, snowmobiles, inner tubes, if it’s snowing, they’re outside playing.  I’m decently the white woman. I don’t have one of those cars that have heated seats so I had to compromise. I got a power inventer and a lap blanket that’s an electric blanket. I don’t have a heated blanket, I have a heated mattress cover. The whole bed warms up! I hate the cold, can’t stand it, can’t deal with it! When I have a bad day like today, dealing with Family drama, I just get on here and listen to You talk and everything is fine again, all the angry feelings are gone, no more wanting to smash things, I am all better now, Thanks. 

Who Did Black People Pray To Before Slavery shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank

Who Did Black People Pray To Before Slavery Hoodie



Buy this shirt: Who Did Black People Pray To Before Slavery shirt


from WordPress
via August 24, 2018 at 10:29AM

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Not always Dick just kidding go Fuck shirt

I had a (very informal) meeting run long today. Not always Dick just kidding go Fuck shirt. Extra long. I said “ok. We need to wrap it up. It’s way into lunch, we’re hangry, and I have *very important* things to do.” A couple of the guys got my subtle hint and laughed. An older guy said, “what do you have to do that could be more important than this??” I said, “I could tell you but it’d make you really uncomfortable.”  I got to pump in an office that hand 4 Windows. I kept a shawl with me to stay covered and was able to perform all of my job duties. I got walked in on constantly and no one in my office seemed to notice after awhile. The first time I got walked in, This was me when I went back to work. Thankfully my coworker didn’t care if I pumped in the back office. I just used my cover, pumped and answered phones at the same time. Hopefully, no one knew the sound of my pump on the other line. 

Not always Dick just kidding go Fuck shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt

Not always Dick just kidding go Fuck V-neck



from WordPress
via August 23, 2018 at 11:46AM

Who Did Black People Pray shirt

Lol. it’s so true. Who Did Black People Pray To Before Slavery shirt. I am looking at Latinas like they crazy. Their daughters telling my son it’s okay he can take His coat off. nonononooooo. lol.  I walked to the mail box and it was freezing, I had on two pairs of pants, a sweater, wool coat, gloves, socks and boots and a scarf and beanie. My Latino neighbor came out at the same time walking her dog….in shorts and a V-neck t-shirt. Serious to God lol. I want to be as tough as she is when I grow up, Originally from Chicago, Illinois now live in Dallas Texas. Yes, I do know how to dress in the cold ie 3 down coats, scarves, boots etc. 
this is so dumb!  It’s like -25 in Chicago…Who Did Black People Pray To Before Slavery shirt. whatever Latina heat he’s talking about has been put out. Cuz my ass is freezing and everyone else is too, I’m a white woman. And it’s called big coat, layers, and layers. Then don’t go outside if I don’t have to. Lol its cold here in PA. I’m dying over here. As a matter of fact Josh, I got fuzzy boots.

Who Did Black People Pray To Before Slavery shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank

Who Did Black People Pray To Before Slavery Hoodie



from WordPress
via August 23, 2018 at 11:44AM

Halloween Hocus Pocus time Witches shirt

I’m making a similar one but with an old wood cigar box. Halloween Hocus Pocus Time Witches shirt. It is more sturdy than an old book and less work.  I go to auctions all the time where whole boxes of hardback books sell for a dollar or 2. I also wonder if there is a cloth or leather with the wrinkle look,  this would be such a fun project to do while watching only the best Halloween movie of all time! With wine of course!  I’m not one of those DIY people with the patience and awesomeness mind’s (even with directions)but this is something for any and every day – not just Halloween! First of all, I wouldn’t do that to a book.

Halloween Hocus Pocus time Witches shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top

Halloween Hocus Pocus time Witches Hoodie



Buy this shirt: Halloween Hocus Pocus Time Witches shirt


from WordPress
via August 23, 2018 at 11:42AM

Flat Mars Society shirt

There’s still holes on this plan. Flat Mars Society shirt. The lacking of artificial magnetosphere or inducing the melting of the planetary core. Something is needed for the protection of the atmosphere. Without this the terraforming would not stand a chance to fruitition. How can they be sure that Mars has enough water that when melted, oceans will form. I believe it will take more than just the introduction of carbon dioxide & methane to create a greenhouse effect on Mars. Even if that works & a substantial atmosphere does develop, what’s to keep that new atmosphere from dissipating like the old one? mars was our home, then we destroyed it ourselves and moved to the earth… after thousands of years same thing is happening, and now we are talking about turning mars what it was used to be? lmao, what a horrible specie to belong… easier said than done… I don’t think human can do that and if so, all this artificial creation will not be tolerated by humans living on earth… maybe you should try to make earth a better place, with more sufficient education, less plastic, affordable renewable energy, teach self consciousness and help with poverty and over population. Much more useful and achievable goal…Flat Mars Society shirt..  just saying.  I personally don’t think we could transform Mars into a green planet. As we started with a green planet and turned it into a global dustbin. What makes people think we can change a habit of a life time, Turn mars into green paradise they said. 

Elon Musk Flat Mars Society shirt

Flat Mars Society Sweater

from WordPress
via August 22, 2018 at 10:52PM

Chicken Not Today Clucker shirt

$12,000 paid in two lump sums will help with household expenses, Chicken Not Today Clucker shirt. can’t see how it will help farmers buy water and feed, plus their debts, need more help, how about removing their tax debt and not asking for tax from their donations received, more is needed to help our farmers producing our food we eat every day!
Andrea Pea thank you for letting me know, some people have said that they do, very happy that this isn’t true!
I challenge you to ‘call a drought affected Aussie Farmer’ each day (until they answer not just pass it til the next day, tChicken Not Today Clucker shirt. hey could be out trying to save their stock) for the next month to give away the $10,000 Cash Cow prize to help lift spirits of the struggling back bone of Australia.

Chicken Not Today Clucker shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top

Chicken Not Today Clucker Guys tee

from WordPress
via August 22, 2018 at 10:10PM

Official Runescape Excuse me My eyes shirt

RuneLabs coming out early next year… Runescape Excuse me My eyes are up here shirt. so january 2016?Showing ‘mini’-ducks after all those stunning boss pets…?
WHERE IS THE GIANT DUCK??? I GOT TO SLAY IT! im the only one around here… that want every slayer mob in a boss version… not big but just bigger for more exp and drops… plis… Are boss pets actually in the game yet? Gonna have to buy a 4th set of sirenic and a 2nd nox bow then I always get drunk and lose them in the wildy. My acc was banned and their was no reason why I was banned and their was also no proof, played 7 years and lost 50m. Bye jagex hello world of Warcraft, Heres the the update that rs3 needs the most

Runescape Excuse me My eyes are up here shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top

Runescape Excuse me My eyes are up here Sweater

Buy this shirt: Runescape Excuse me My eyes are up here shirt


from WordPress
via August 22, 2018 at 10:08PM

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Solar system Flat Mars Society shirt

Sure, even if you could make a denser atmosphere on mars, Solar system Flat Mars Society shirt. mars’ core is completely solid which prevents it from having A magnetosphere. Without a magnetosphere solar winds will rip the atmosphere apart and your back to square one. Can u make earth what u aspire to make mars instead. Can u preserve what u already have. U can only destroy not preserve also, forget about creating a new planet for Ur expansion. After all who are you, a nobody in this universe and many universes beyond. U can’t predict your future and you are showing before and after pictures of mars. First u destroyed earth and now your eyes are set on mars. But don’t worry u will pay a very heavy price for that by bringing human race to the danger of extinction in the year 5000. Instead u should work to make earth a better place without industrial production and only organic living and no money only barter system.

Solar system Flat Mars Society shirt

Flat Mars Society Sweater

from WordPress
via August 21, 2018 at 06:37PM

Monday, August 20, 2018

Seinfeld George The Timeless Art of Seduction shirt

Some people are old fashioned and like the feel of pages rather than an eye sore kindle. Seinfeld George The Timeless Art of Seduction shirt. E-waste, fossil fuels used to power the batteries for the readers, etc are still a factor. Gutenberg bible, for low impact eco longevity. 400 plus years and going strong. If you really want to recycle one toss it in a phone book bin. What will you do when technology disappears overnight? EMF attack or whatever. As one commentator said – a book lasts longer than a Kindle or iPad or computer. If it weren’t for barbarians, we would still have the content of the Library of Alexandria. Books bound in traditional way last a long time (if cared for) and retains knowledge passed through the ages.

Bob Ross and Seinfeld George The Timeless Art of Seduction shirt, hoodie, sweater

Bob Ross and Seinfeld George The Timeless Art of Seduction shirt

Buy this shirt:  Seinfeld George The Timeless Art of Seduction shirt


from WordPress
via August 21, 2018 at 11:56AM

Official Seinfeld George The Timeless Art Of Seduction Shirt

Official Seinfeld George The Timeless Art of Seduction shirt. To also go with my comment maybe you should look up an image for a lithium ion mine and tell me that it’s better for the environment, To also go with my comment maybe you should look up an image for a lithium ion mine and tell me that it’s better for the environment, Oh, and mining for all the silver in your silver components is really environmentally friendly too… or generating electricity to use it… or the fact that a decomposing kindle, will have far worse effects on the environment than and decomposing book. Well….apparently it may look friendly….but the internet you use to read it comes from the radio frequency signals, which kills birds and affects human & other animals. To read u continuously stare at your device screen that is harmful to your eyes and brain….plus electronic devices are hazardous wastes, it emits harmful gases… technically paper books are environment-friendly…..just saying…

Bob Ross and Seinfeld George The Timeless Art of Seduction shirt, hoodie, sweater

Bob Ross and Seinfeld George The Timeless Art of Seduction shirt

Buy this shirt: Official Seinfeld George The Timeless Art of Seduction shirt


from WordPress
via August 21, 2018 at 11:52AM

I Believe In The Power Of Yet Apple shirt

Official I Believe In The Power Of Yet Apple shirt

I really love this. I Believe In The Power Of Yet Apple shirt. I agree with you absolutely. Waking up early is an evidence of a disciplined, purposeful and focused life. I am up at 4:50 am Monday- Friday and start working by 5:30 am, before 7 on the weekends. I am my best early morning and this also allows me gym time 4 days a week! I cherish my mornings whether it is working early, chilling with the news and a cup of coffee, or just an early start for whatever.  I’m a server also getting into the real estate world. Any advice for someone who works round the clock? 

I Believe In The Power Of Yet Apple shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt


I Believe In The Power Of Yet Apple Sweater

from WordPress
via August 20, 2018 at 10:08PM

Friday, August 17, 2018

Official Chicken Not Today Clucker Shirt

Who Did Black People Pray To Before Slavery shirt

We were all created in Gods image. Who Did Black People Pray To Before Slavery shirt. I think that we need to bond together and work for the cause of equality.  Black people…White people…..Yellow people……Red people….. Tan people should be all the same. Black Panther looks awesome, but I doubt he gets his day started like Prince Akeem in Zamunda. Sorry, not sorry, but I will never apologize for something I played no part in it. Yes, it happened but nothing I can do now can change the past. Yes, it happened but telling you I’m sorry now won’t change anything. Live in the now, not the past. Just watched the trailer…Umm is the black panther the criminal/evil hero ?? Why we got to be sorry I havent done a damn thing to anyone for all I know my people were slaves too.

Who Did Black People Pray To Before Slavery shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank

Who Did Black People Pray To Before Slavery Hoodie

Buy this shirt: Who Did Black People Pray To Before Slavery shirt


from WordPress
via August 18, 2018 at 09:37AM

Trust me I watch LIVE PD I’m basically a cop shirt

Pants on the ground…pants on the ground…Trust me I watch LIVE PD I’m basically a cop shirt. looking like a fool with your pants on the ground!! Fashion police really! Clearly, the man has no money, probably on Social Security which the Government has stolen from us, even though we have paid into it our entire working life and was supposed to be collecting interest all of those years and what they consider fair payment is not enough to buy clothing nor food! This is what I do not like about this show it makes fun of people who are at the lowest point in their life! This was the one time I didn’t care for the comments by the hosts, especially about the old guy’s attire. Face it he’s looking at being evicted after living there for 20 years. Clearly, he doesn’t have the money and has fallen on hard times. Something any one of us could be facing at some point in our lives. Someone should involve elder services. This guy obviously needs help.  We have come so far as a people !!.

Trust me I watch LIVE PD I’m basically a cop shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top

Trust me I watch LIVE PD I'm basically a cop Guys tee

Buy this shirt:  Trust me I watch LIVE PD I’m basically a cop shirt


from WordPress
via August 17, 2018 at 10:37PM

Official Malt Whiskey Walt Disney shirt

Reading through the comments, Malt Whiskey Not Walt Disney shirt. I have a few things to say. First, Disney has nothing to do with witchcraft nor the devil. Witchcraft is an old practice of using natural forces to affect reality. It never had anything to do with satanism. Whether Walt Disney was a mason or not has nothing to do with the company he created. Disney’s films are uplifting and teach great life lessons to kids while entertaining their parents. As a lifelong Disney fan, I am offended by anyone who thinks Disney is “evil.” What kinda bullshit says a kid can deliver 1300 papers a day. I delivered papers for a while when I was a kid. Used to deliver about 35 a day and that took 45 minutes. Unless he’s Superman he never hands delivered any 1300 papers a day. Do the math. Bullshit like that irritates me to no end. People you are so blind! His cartoons are filled with satanic symbols! When you are young YOU would not see it and when you get older you would not notice because it is for children! GET it!! He also became a 33rd-degree freemason, hence the 33 club at Disneyland. Disney is wicked, pure witchcraft and spellcasting. So many questions after viewing this short piece. How can you go 5 years without the income and still survive?

Malt Whiskey Not Walt Disney shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top

Malt Whiskey Not Walt Disney Sweater

Buy this shirt: Malt Whiskey Not Walt Disney shirt


from WordPress
via August 17, 2018 at 10:11PM

I Wish Hillary Had Married OJ Shirt

Go Outside Worst Case Scenario A Bear Kills You shirt

I wanted a natural birth but couldn’t take the pain, Go Outside Worst Case Scenario A Bear Kills You shirt. wanted an epidural but I couldn’t progress even after they gave me pitocin. Come to find out baby was too big and couldn’t push through my pelvis. Emergency c-section. Even after I go into labor, I fail to progress thus multiple cesereans. Brealyn Hamilton nothing if the c section is medically necessary. Most times, it’s not. A lot of woman are told they need a c section because baby is too big, breech, or taking longer than 24 hrs to be delivered. These are not legit reasons for a c section. Low heart rate, cord prolapse, pre eclampsia, these are reasons for a c section.

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from WordPress
via August 17, 2018 at 09:08PM

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Official Unicorn Dabbing Shirt

Are you open for adoption? Unicorn Dabbing O’Reilly Auto Parts shirt Or hiring someone to clean your bathroom? Why is everything called a “space” now! Whatever happened to calling something “a bedroom, a living room, a home? I find it great that you never really see the celebrities and musicians, who are straight smoking all the time, ever get busted in their homes or traveling for having weed, but the common man is always busted with it. Seen weed wall in the caption was expecting to see an entire wall full of weed I am very disappointed. Bro watching this has me some kind of way. Mad respect for him. I had no idea he was this down to earth and such a good dad. Props dude.

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from WordPress
via August 16, 2018 at 09:40AM