I see so many people end up being so distant from each other. Can’t relate shirt. I’d much rather have someone who likes spending as much time with me as possible. It’s been 5 years and we get more inseparable as time goes on. It makes me happy because usually as relationships go on it’s the reverse. I think most folks are so afraid of commitment and communication that you label it clingy since everyone is always on their phones or being antisocial. Idk just a thought. I’m ‘clingy’, which stems from abandonment, abuse, and anxiety. I’m single for a reason. Don’t date the avoiders. They will only give you just enough. They will see your feelings as a threat and they are terrible communicators. I’m going to be completely honest and open here, in My passed marriage of 20yrs this was me. YES very insecure and needy and clingy its part of what drove My Ex away.
Can’t relate shirt, hoodie, sweatshirt, tank top, ladies tee.
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