Pat Simeon…Give Me Your Tired Your Poor shirt. I don’t want to be disagreeable, but what you’ve said isn’t correct. No immigrant was required to speak or learn English in the late 19th, early 20th century, and that’s when many Europeans arrived. but we know what you Hispanics created from Mexico to the tip of chile a barrio shithole, with nice tourist towns for the elites to go ,,but on the whole with exception of a few countries where italics and Germans went the rest I cant figure out how to make a bathroom toilet work correctly ,, u can tell the IQ of a society on the toilets they have. the American Indians couldn’t invent the wheel,, that said they neede to be led out of primitive life,, by someone us better than the Chinese,,, Paul Tucker the requirements for becoming an American citizen not just being let in the country was and still is to learn to speak English. Obama penned in New laws while in office, but even under his administration sponsors were found to qualify the immigrants he brought in ,requirements were housing, which the banks furnished ,schools and language which HP was recruited to do , and jobs , which were being furnished by various companies sponsoring globalism, Obama went to the U.N. to get ideas on how to push more immigrants in America after a limit of 10,000 was given by the courts ,This was even OBAMAS solution to this block .
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via September 03, 2018 at 10:03AM
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