Tuesday, July 13, 2021

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Due to circumstances completely out of your control, your life has been thrusted into a new environment, with new disadvantages, pitfalls, and downsides. You have left your friends, likely the only ones that you had due to being in one place, and have also likely left pretty much everything you’ve known.

Don’t go back. Don’t ever go back. Never go backwards; life has given you one of the greatest hurdles to overcome at a young age, but once you do there will be nothing that can stop you again.

You will make new friends, and keep those old ones who are truly friends (if they’re anything like those who remained mine despite moving across the country twice). You will find new places and people and things to do which you had never even known about before, and you’ll have the opportunity to tell those back “home” all about it as they tell you about the new things they discover. You’ll discover new ideas, new ways to look at the world, and new interests from where you are now, and you’ll eventually realize that you’d never have had the opportunity if you returned.

Life will be hard, the first year will be difficult, but you can do this, I believe in you. Everyone who has had to start over believes in you


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