Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Campfire drinking team shirt

Tradition. One of the first teams was the “Red Stockings" and it has been a part of Baseball ever since. They reduced the socks to just the stirrups, thank God, and they got rid of the old, heavy flannel uniforms. Those things in August not only were hotter than Hades, but by the time the game was over you were 10 pounds heavier due to all the accumulated sweat in the uniform and you were always trying to catch up on your water intake.

Runners out at second then 1st. Probably 6–4–3 double play is most common (SS to 2nd basement to 1st baseman). And you also have 3b to 2b to 1b and 2b to SS to 1b. You can have runner on first only or runners on 1st and 2nd, runners on 1st and 3rd or bases loaded.

Any other double play is less likely, such as 3b steps on 3rd and throws to 1st or 2nd (runners have to be on 1st and 2nd or bases loaded). Or catcher gets a throw, steps on the plate and throws to first (bases have to be loaded).


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