Friday, July 9, 2021

Other than becoming familiar with voice commands through repetition, dogs can't communicate and express what's scaring them

 Other than becoming familiar with voice commands through repetition, dogs can't communicate and express what's scaring them. We have three dogs and one of them, an 83 lb male Lab mix, is terrified of fireworks and thunder. Another one, a 45 lb female mixed breed, gets scared as well. Just not as bad. Our 50 lb male Lab mix just kind of deals with it but you can tell he's nervous. There's no way for us to talk to them and reason with them to help them understand there's no need to be nervous. So what do you do to calm them down? We tried those “thunder jackets" but they were useless. We also tried calming sprays and chews but those didn't phase them. Storms weren't too bad, but imagine trying to sleep on the 4th of July with an 83 lb dog crawling between you and your wife (or husband) and trying to curl up on your pillows shaking in fear. Yeah, it doesn't work.

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